Safety at ICS
Since our company was founded in 1999, ICS has invested heavily in safety training and awareness. This investment has resulted in a company-wide commitment to recognizing hazards, mitigating risk and preventing injuries on every project, every day.
For the satisfaction of our clients and the well-being of our staff, safety is treated as a matter of critical importance at ICS. Our safety program begins with each new hire and is integrated into every project. From our monthly all-staff safety training to our daily tailgate safety meetings, ICS strives to create a culture of safety with a goal of zero workplace incidents.
ICS’ health and safety program incorporates the latest safety training and technology, and in many cases exceeds OSHA standards. Under the direction of Keith Martins, a full-time Health and Safety and Quality Assurance Manager with over 40 years of experience in construction safety, the program provides our employees with the knowledge and equipment to perform safely and effectively. All employees are screened as necessary and held accountable for their own practices.
Contact us to learn more about health and safety practices at ICS.