Waste Transfer Station Water Quality Improvements
Project Details
Waste Management contracted ICS to construct new storm water control systems and c construct new storm water features at two (2) of their waste transfer stations. The storm water features included several types of diversion systems, bio-swales, filters and bio-filter socks. Overall construction assisted Waste Management with storm water control and filtration within the property boundaries, prior release to off-site sources.
Field Tasks
- Demolition of existing / old drainage features
- Removal of approx. 1400 LF of existing ductile iron piping (roof drain pipes) from rooftop of loading facility
- Installation of approx. 1400 LF of new pvc piping along rooftop of loading facility
- Installation of two (2) 8-inch wide trench drain systems
Field Tasks
- Installation of concrete precast structure with 500gal/min submersible pump
- Installation of numerous bioclean downspouts, inlet filters and Filtrexx filters
- Construction of concrete rolled berms to divert storm water
- Construction of new concrete drive