LAUSD South Region High School #9
Project Name:
Soil Remediation: LAUSD SRHS #9
Soil Remediation: LAUSD SRHS #9
Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles, California
In-Situ Remediation
In-Situ Remediation
Project Details
Excavated, loaded, transported and disposed of over 105,000 tons of non-hazardous, non-RCRA, TSCA, and RCRA hazardous impacted soils, hex-chromium, VOC’s, TPH, Pesticides, PCBs, and other heavy metals. Demolition of an existing lead, asbestos and hexavalent chrome contaminated building. In-situ remediation of hex-chromium impacted groundwater project activities included shallow and deep shoring system installation, excavation, loading and transportation under strict traffic, noise, and dust restrictions. The scope of work also included backfill and site restoration.

Field Tasks
- Constructed dry decontamination pad for heavy equipment and waste transports
- Installed fencing with windscreen around the site perimeter to minimize dust migration and public access
- Protected entire site from erosion and rain damage with necessary BMPs and SWPPP controls Demolished and consolidated known and unknown slabs, footings, hardscape, and roadways
- Provided dedicated dust control crew and water support truck to comply with strict dust mitigation Excavated, stockpiled, loaded, transported and disposed of over 85,000 tons of impacted soil of various classifications
“The South Region High School #9 site Enhanced Environmental Cleanup Project was a particularly complex undertaking with an aggressive schedule and strict DTSC oversight. ICS’ team, from the technical advisors to the managers and crew, exceeded my expectations during the course of the work at every turn. The team was very effective in executing the work as well as extremely safety conscious. We could not have asked for a better remediation contractor.”
Edward Speake, Resident Construction Engineer, LAUSD
- Excavations conducted using standard excavation procedures, Engineering and Permitting of Shoring Systems to achieve excavation depths of 30 feet below grade surface
- In-Situ groundwater remediation via direct contact mixing with CPS solution for treatment of hex-chromium
- Ex-Situ soil remediation of 15,000 cubic yards of VOC-impacted soil via vapor extraction soil piles
- Management and removal of below grade structures discovered during excavation activities Transport management of impacted soil (including Haul Route Permits, traffic control and manifest tracking)
- Perform final rough and fine grading of over 5 acres of excavated or distributed areas Work was completed under the strict oversight of the LAUSD’s environmental consultant, DTSC, City of South Gate, County of Los Angeles, Edison, and AT&T.