Soil Vapor Extraction System: Superfund Site
Project Name:
Soil Vapor Extraction System and Sub-Slab Ventilation System
Soil Vapor Extraction System and Sub-Slab Ventilation System
Whittier, California
Whittier, California
In-Situ Remediation
In-Situ Remediation
Project Details
Construction of interim Soil Vapor Extraction System and Sub-Slab Ventilation System located at Omega Superfund Site on Whittier Boulevard in Whittier, California. The Omega Chemical Superfund Site (the “Site”) is a result of improper waste handling and disposal at a former hazardous waste treatment and storage facility, known as the Omega Chemical Corporation (OCC). The scope of work included the installation of SVE extraction wells, conveyance piping, well vaults and associated and head works piping, installation of treatment compound and equipment, and electrical and instrumentation supply and wiring. In addition, ICS installed a Sub-Slab Ventilation system to mitigate VOC vapors beneath the buildings foundation.

Field Tasks
- Perform utility survey at well, probe and trench line locations to verify detectable underground lines
- Excavate approximately 3,000 linear feet of trench for installation of PVC SVE piping, HDPE Condensate piping and PVC conduit
- Installation of approximately 20,000 feet of 3” and 4” diameter soil vapor extraction pipe from 43 vapor extraction wells , 20,000 feet of PVC conduit and 2,000 feet of 2” x 4” HDPE pipe
- Sawcut, remove and dispose existing asphalt and concrete surfaces and resurface to match existing
Field Tasks
- Backfill trench with 1.5-sack slurry
- Procure and install seven (7) 3ft x 2ft x 3ft deep concrete vault traffic rated spring assist lid and sealed with non-shrink grout
- Treatment components consisted of the blower package, sound enclosure, control panel, knock out pot, transfer pump, heat exchanger and flow meter will be integral to one skid
- Provided 480V / 3pf / 400 amp service to treatment compound